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posted on 08-24-2012 at 21:23 |
Another mass shooting, this time by two police officers
I woke up this morning to the news about anther shooting, 10 people shot in NY city outside the Empire State Building. WOW I thought another mass shooting. Came hope tonight found out the shooter shot one person and the police shoot 9, the gunmen and 8 bystanders. The video shows police only about 12 feet away, as usual the police unload their guns, but this time in a crowded street. Hitting 8 bystanders and only hitting the gunmen twice. Not sure who is more dangerous the criminals in America or the police in America.
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Registered: 09-28-2012 Location:
posted on 11-15-2012 at 09:26 |
That is really sad, who is supposed to protect innocent people when the ones in charge of that responsibility are just as bad as the criminals.
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posted on 11-20-2012 at 11:34 |
i was thinking the same exact thing. I hate the fact that in the US i feel more intimidated by the police then guys who look like criminals, not sure who a policeman is or what his personality is like, some of them can be a little out there. I respect what they do but its the same situation as the military, you just don't know
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Registered: 04-06-2004 Location:
posted on 03-10-2013 at 16:07 |
Blue Code of Silence
You defiantly have to watch out in American of the police. Look what happened in LA, a police office broke the “Blue Code of Silence” and what happen to him. I hate to say it but as long as there is a blue code of silence in the America, then all Police in America are criminals themselves.