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Posts: 1
Registered: 11-28-2009

posted on 11-28-2009 at 12:16 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator


OK I don't know how i stumbled onto this site but I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! I AM LITERALLY GOING DOWNHILL IN HEALTH AND Depression is kicking in and I really need advise PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME. I am a 23 year old male and i need help ASAP. My dad went to China and got a wife about 2 years ago. I am not sure how in the hell it is leagal for two people that have never met let alone not speak the same language get married, this is so messed up and ruins lifes, like i am experiencing. So anyways the day before he brought her back I had moved out and over to my grandparents house. It was not a happy living environment but i had to deal with it for as long as i could. My grandma drinks like a fish, and if she is not drunk just stay out of her way, period. My grandpa is a really good person at heart, cares more about his grandkids and would do anything to help them out. But he is one of the worst people to hang around, allways talking about really bad/scarey stuff and whatnot, i am not going into detail but needless to say I lasted about 7 months over there. One day my dad came over and begged me to come back and try living there(this should have been a clear warning not too, but i was stupid) well I did just that and it was the worst mistake of my life. THIS HOUSE IS A HELL HOLE, literally. This woman controls every thing my dad does, controls his money, controls what he eats, controls what she does with everything in the house. I need to point out that i have something seriously wrong with me and i do not have insurance to go to the doctors. I either have an eating disorder or something else i have no clue, but i cant eat food and go out and do normal things. Every time I try and eat food, even a small burger, i will vommit it up if i know i am going to go somewhere. I literally have not left my house since i moved back here about a year ago. Its getting worse, i cannot go into stores because i freak out and have panick attacks and i feel like i am going to faint. OK back to my house/dads wife. She is so controlling that she has convinced him i am able/healthy enough to get a job, and FORCES him to NOT buy me food, i am not joking. so i have to rely on other members of the family to get something to eat. Not a good situation, I have lost A TON of weight and feel the affects every day. I believe I weighed 112 lbs last time I weighed myself. So anyways she just left for china a couple days ago to go back for her new years and my dad is planning on going their her third month of being back and reversing his visectomy and trying to give her a baby. Everyone is going to say well just go back to your grandparents, well they have another family memeber with them and their really is no room for me, I have no where else to go, i am screwed unless someone out their knows someone who can help. i have no idea what to do. please help me before my dad screws over another child!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS.
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Posts: 2
Registered: 11-29-2009

posted on 11-29-2009 at 08:27 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
let you dad be happy

You are 23 years old, why are you even living at home?
By this time you should have graduated from college and have you own place
Be happy for you dad. Move on with your life. Get a job and you own place and worry about your self. Are you Jealous of you dad’s happiness? Get you own Life!

If you really have mental problems, there are plenty of places you can go to get treatment for free.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By jeffdavis (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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Registered: 11-30-2010

posted on 10-16-2012 at 13:33 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Yes find treatment

If you are serious about the inability to eat and go out into public, enter stores etc., you should seek a therapist who can talk with you and figure out why you're feeling this way.

As far as your DAD's situation goes, I agree with the last comment, you're an adult and should not have to rely on him for food. Even if you haven't graduated college, you can support yourself. Like I said, if the reason you can't get a job is because of the mental issue you're dealing with, you need to talk with a professional and figure that out first.

It seems that the problems you are facing exist because you cannot live on your own and are relying on your family to take care of you. If they are taking care of you, then you really don't have a leg to stand on and should follow their rules.

If you don't like it, you're over 18 so you can leave.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By XJss (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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